Key Points:

  1. Researchers found that chemical reactions can mix up quantum information almost as effectively as black holes.
  2. They used a technique called OTOCs to measure how fast information spreads in quantum systems.
  3. This research could make quantum computers more reliable and advance technology in materials like solar cells.
  4. Scientists used advanced math from black hole theories to study chemical reactions.

Molecules in Chemical Reactions Scramble Information Like Black Holes

Scientists have made a groundbreaking discovery that molecules can scramble quantum information just as effectively as black holes. This revelation changes our understanding of quantum mechanics, suggesting that the process of scrambling information isn’t unique to black holes but can also happen during chemical reactions.

Peter Wolynes from Rice University, alongside experts from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, led a study that showed quantum information scrambling in chemical reactions.

Their research, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, applied sophisticated mathematical tools from both black hole and chemical physics.

Using OTOCs to Measure Information Spread

The researchers used a special technique known as out-of-time-order correlators (OTOCs). Originally used for studying superconductors, OTOCs help measure how quickly information spreads within a quantum system. By applying this to chemical reactions, they gained valuable insights into the dynamics of quantum information.

A New Understanding of Quantum Dynamics

“This research tackles a significant question in chemical physics about how fast quantum information gets scrambled during molecular interactions,” explains Peter Wolynes.

“Even a small molecule is highly complex in quantum terms, with many possible motions or states. During chemical reactions, this complex information gets thoroughly mixed up, and understanding this can help us better control these reactions.”

Implications for Quantum Computing and Advanced Materials

The implications of this discovery go beyond theoretical chemistry. Particularly in quantum computing, reducing information scrambling can make quantum computers more reliable.

These principles could also drive innovations in material science, such as creating more efficient solar cells.

Deeper Insights with Path Integral Methods

Nancy Makri, a chemist and co-author, used path integral methods to study chemical reactions in larger systems.

Her findings highlight the potential to extend these insights to more complex processes, like electron conduction in new quantum materials, which could improve the performance of materials like perovskites for next-generation solar cells.

Quantum Tunneling and Scrambling Dynamics

The study shows that chemical reactions with low activation energy at low temperatures—where quantum tunneling is dominant—scramble information at rates similar to black holes.

Makri’s calculations revealed that embedding a simple reaction model in a complex system reduces chaotic scrambling, showing more regular patterns. This understanding could help chemists better predict and control reaction outcomes.

Practical Applications and Future Prospects

Martin Gruebele, another co-author, discussed the practical applications: “Chemists often struggle with scrambling in reactions because it’s needed to reach the reaction goal but also disrupts control.

Knowing when molecules scramble information can help us control reactions better. Understanding about OTOCs lets us set limits on when information is lost and when we can still use it for controlled outcomes.”