In addition to the well-known beta-oxidation pathway, there exists another significant pathway for fatty acid breakdown known as omega oxidation.

Omega oxidation of fatty acids is an essential metabolic process that occurs in cells, mainly in the endoplasmic reticulum of hepatocytes (liver cells) and the cells of the renal cortex. This pathway plays a crucial role in the metabolism of medium-chain and long-chain fatty acids that cannot undergo beta oxidation due to specific structural characteristics or enzymatic limitations.

Mechanism of Omega (ω) oxidation

The omega oxidation involves the initial hydroxylation of the fatty acid chain at the omega carbon (the carbon atom farthest from the carboxylic acid group), followed by a series of reactions that ultimately lead to the production of dicarboxylic acids. These dicarboxylic acids can then enter the beta-oxidation pathway for further breakdown.

The omega oxidation process can be summarized in the following steps:

Omega Oxidation of Fatty Acids

The details of these reactions are as:

1. Hydroxylation

The fatty acid is hydroxylated at the omega carbon by an enzyme called fatty acid ω-hydroxylase. This converts the terminal carbon into a hydroxyl group, forming a hydroxy fatty acid.

Fatty acid + O2 + NADH + H+ → (ω) Hydroxy fatty acid + NAD+ + H2O

2. Dehydrogenation

The hydroxy fatty acid is then dehydrogenated by the action of a dehydrogenase enzyme, forming an aldo fatty acid.

(ω) Hydroxy fatty acid + NAD+ → (ω) Aldo fatty acid + NADH + H+

3. Oxidation

The aldo fatty acid then undergoes further oxidation, leading to the formation of a dicarboxylic acid.

(ω) Aldo fatty acid + O2 + H2O → Dicarboxylic acid + NADH + H+

4. Shortening of the chain (β-oxidation)

The dicarboxylic acid, being two carbons shorter than the original fatty acid, can now enter the beta-oxidation pathway, where it is sequentially shortened by two carbon units at a time until it is ultimately converted into acetyl-CoA.

Dicarboxylic acid + CoA-SH + NAD+ → Shorter acyl-CoA + CO2 + NADH + H+

Significance of Omega Oxidation

Omega oxidation serves as an alternative pathway for fatty acid metabolism, particularly for those fatty acids that cannot be catabolized through beta oxidation. This is particularly important for medium-chain and long-chain fatty acids with double bonds at specific positions or branching structures that prevent them from entering the beta oxidation cycle.

Moreover, omega oxidation plays a crucial role in the detoxification process, as it is involved in the breakdown of xenobiotics (foreign substances) such as certain drugs and environmental toxins. This helps the body eliminate these potentially harmful compounds more efficiently.

In the liver, omega oxidation is especially important for metabolizing medium-chain and long-chain fatty acids that are not utilized for energy production. The resulting dicarboxylic acids can be incorporated into bile acids, which aid in the digestion and absorption of dietary fats.

It is usually a minor oxidation pathway for oxidation of fatty acids, however becomes important when β-oxidation is defective (a mutation, etc).

Defects in Omega Oxidation

Similar to beta oxidation, disruptions in the omega oxidation pathway can lead to metabolic disorders. Deficiencies in enzymes involved in omega oxidation can result in an accumulation of hydroxy fatty acids and dicarboxylic acids in the body, which may cause cellular toxicity and lead to various health issues.

Key Takeaway(s)

While beta oxidation is the primary and most well-known pathway for fatty acid breakdown, omega oxidation plays a crucial role in metabolizing specific fatty acids and ensuring the efficient utilization of fatty acids as an energy source.

The coordination of both beta (β) and omega (ω) oxidation pathways ensures that the body can effectively catabolize a wide range of fatty acids, maintaining energy homeostasis and overall metabolic health.

Concepts Berg

How does omega oxidation differ from beta oxidation in fatty acid metabolism?

Omega oxidation breaks down specific fatty acids that cannot enter beta oxidation, producing dicarboxylic acids, which eventually enter beta oxidation for further breakdown.

What is the ER (Endoplasmic Reticulum) Oxidation of Fatty Acids?

ER oxidation, also known as microsomal oxidation, is the catabolism of fatty acids that takes place within the endoplasmic reticulum of cells. It involves the breakdown of specific fatty acids, particularly those containing double bonds in specific positions. This oxidation of fatty acids is also known as omega oxidation.

What role does omega oxidation play in detoxifying xenobiotics?

Omega oxidation aids in the breakdown of foreign substances (xenobiotics) in the body, facilitating their elimination and detoxification.

How does omega oxidation contribute to bile acid synthesis in the liver?

The dicarboxylic acids produced during omega oxidation can be used in the synthesis of bile acids, which are crucial for the digestion and absorption of dietary fats.

What are the end products of omega oxidation, and how are they utilized by the body?

The end products of omega oxidation are dicarboxylic acids, which can enter the beta oxidation pathway for further breakdown to produce acetyl-CoA for energy production.

Can defects in omega oxidation lead to metabolic disorders?

Yes, disruptions in the omega oxidation pathway can result in the accumulation of hydroxy fatty acids and dicarboxylic acids, leading to metabolic disturbances and potential health issues.

How does omega oxidation contribute to the metabolism of medium-chain fatty acids?

Omega oxidation metabolizes medium-chain fatty acids that cannot undergo beta oxidation, ensuring their efficient breakdown and utilization for energy production.

Is omega oxidation essential for all cells in the body?

No, omega oxidation primarily occurs in specific cells, such as hepatocytes (liver cells) and cells in the renal cortex, to metabolize certain fatty acids.

Does omega oxidation have any impact on lipid homeostasis?

Yes, omega oxidation helps maintain lipid homeostasis by converting specific fatty acids into dicarboxylic acids, which can be further processed for various cellular functions.

Can omega oxidation be impaired by genetic conditions?

Yes, genetic defects in enzymes involved in omega oxidation can lead to an inefficient breakdown of certain fatty acids, causing metabolic disruptions.
